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The 5 Benefits of Using a Standing Treadmill Desk While Working From Home

life span fitness standing treadmill desk work from home hacks Oct 13, 2022

Tell me if this sounds familiar:

You wake up on a weekday morning with the best of intentions to stay focused, have a productive day, and tackle your to-do list while working from home. 

But somewhere between your third cup of coffee and an accidental 30 minute scrolling session on TikTok, the idea of doing a workout at the end of an 8 hour day is not an option. Instead, you opt for the couch, a bag of potato chips, and get ready to binge-watch the latest reality TV show on Netflix.

I know that feeling because I’ve been there! Our home lives get messy when we combine our living spaces with our jobs, and finding the separation between the two can be a never-ending battle. 

That is why I’m so passionate about finding sustainable solutions that I can integrate into my daily routine to improve overall health and wellness. It’s all about making small, accessible changes over time that will make the biggest difference. For instance, I knew I wanted to switch up my bad habit of sitting cross-legged and slumped over in a desk chair for 8+ hours a day, so I made the decision to swap out bad posture for long-term preventative wellness. 

Enter: the LifeSpan Fitness TR5000-Omni Treadmill Desk. Now I get to stay active while working. The thought of adding in a workout to my day no longer feels like an extra task because I am actively moving and maintaining my energy levels throughout the entirety of the day. 

I know how the idea of switching up your current in-home office setup can feel intimidating, and you might even be a little skeptical about how feasible this setup actually is. So I’m here to share the top 5 benefits I’ve noticed from using the TR5000-Omni Treadmill Desk and how this has been the biggest game changer and work from home hack when it comes to easing exercise panic, improving productivity, and supporting my mood & mental health.

Benefit #1: Maximize Productivity & Save Time
I was a little nervous that typing and walking at the same time would take some getting used to. What if I hated it? What if I was bad at it? What if I wanted to go back to my old desk?! I am less than a month into using theTR5000 treadmill desk and let me just say I was hooked from day one. The desk is positioned in just the right way that allows you to naturally rest your arms, making typing an absolute breeze. My average pace is 2.5 mph and I can comfortably walk for 2+ hours at this pace while typing without any issues of typos or misspellings. Instead of saving my workout for the middle or end of the day, I get to multi-task, adding in extra miles throughout the day.

Benefit #2: Increase Focus & Energy Levels 
Here’s the secret: I don’t feel the need to reach for that second or third cup of coffee because my energy levels are much higher when working at my standing treadmill desk vs. when I’m sitting down slumped over in a chair. The afternoon dip in energy levels that usually hits me around 2 pm isn’t as intense as it used to be! I also find myself feeling much more motivated and inclined to make healthier decisions throughout the day when it comes to my food choices. It’s a positive feedback loop that continues to affect the rest of my day. Because I’m moving in the morning, I opt for food that nourishes and fuels me. The nourishment gives me the energy I need to keep walking and working, and all the energy I use up throughout the day helps me feel well-rested and get a good night’s sleep.

Benefit 3: Track Your Progress to Sustainably Build New Habits
Don’t you love that feeling of checking something off your to-do list? I will literally write something down that I just accomplished solely for the purpose of being able to cross it off, haha! My point is, being able to visually see our progress and track new habits is not only gratifying, it also makes it easier for us to stick to them. The TR5000-Omni Treadmill Desk comes with an Omni Console that allows you to do just that. It shows you the time, date, speed, distance, exercise time, calories, steps and a summary of your workout. You can also track this through the free Life Span Fitness app here, which syncs via Bluetooth with the Omni Console. Instead of walking on the treadmill just for the sake of it, I’ve set myself a 30 day goal to see how many miles I can clock. By sharing my journey on social media, I created an accountability system for myself. It’s little things like this that make it more manageable to stick to new habits and make them last. LifeSpan makes that incredibly easy for me. 


Benefit #4: Maintain an Active Lifestyle with Ease   
I have this index card on my desk that says “The Opportunity Cost of Wasting Your Time.” It tells me what the equivalent of 30, 60, and 90 minutes a day look like over the course of a year, and it’s surprising to see what this adds up to: 30 minutes a day is equivalent to 182.5 hours or about 23 full 8-hour work days. 60 minutes a day is equivalent to 365 hours or about 46 full 8-hour workdays. And 90 minutes a day is equivalent to 547.5 hours or about 68 full 8 hour workdays. Looking at these numbers reminds me of how accessible, sustainable, and easy it is to integrate walking into my daily work routine. By taking just 30 minutes a day over the course of a 5 day work week in a 48-work week year, I end up adding 120 extra hours of movement over the course of a year. 120 extra hours of movement without even having to think about it! It’s so rewarding to know that this investment is something I’m constantly benefiting from and will get to see the results compound over time. 


Benefit #5: Prevent Burnout and Prioritize Your Mental Health 
As someone who is passionate about mental and physical health, I am always looking for strategies and routines to test out so I can mindfully optimize workflow. Using the TR5000 Omni-Desk has been surprisingly helpful at keeping me in a good mood throughout the day. It’s one thing to talk about the science behind the benefits of movement for your mood, but it’s another thing to actually experience the difference in your body and see how it impacts your mental health positively. There are a variety of things I do to stabilize my mental health, from medication to meditation. Lifespan Fitness feels like an unsung hero of the work from home moment because of how much their products enhance, support, and stabilize the mental and physical health of countless people working remotely. I’m excited to see how my walking journey evolves, how I can continue to use the treadmill desk to support my mental health, and how LifeSpan will continue to shape a future generation of remote work that makes at-home wellness more achievable than ever before. 


About the Author
Aurora Myers the and Founder of Work from Home Yoga. In the past decade she has taught more than 3,000 classes and workshops for leadership teams, athletes, and companies on everything from stress-reduction to breathing techniques and mindful productivity hacks. In collaboration with LifeSpan Fitness, you can view a series of Office Yoga & Desk Stretches you can do while at your standing treadmill desk at The exact model Aurora mentions is this blog post is the TR5000 Omni Desk, 48 inch wide birch color desktop with a white frame.  You can use the code YOGA5 at checkout for a discount.